Commercial & Municipal Applications
There is a gold standard for testing of collision mitigation, recognized by the DOE (Department of Energy) as part of the LEED environmental impact program utilized by members of the AIA (American Institute of Architects). This program is run by the independent ABC (American Bird Conservancy) and has been embraced by all the leaders in collision avoidance, including FLAP, National Audubon Society, American Humane Association, and others, and indirectly by many others, including independent PETA
and Audubon chapters. Additional efforts are underway for testing to be brought within the DOE at Sandia National Laboratories.
No other product or offering has a performance rating as high as CollidEscape; in fact, all other solutions on the market, with the exception of shuttering off the glass, provide only collision REDUCTION, where CollidEscape is the ONLY offering to guarantee collision PREVENTION. With over 15 million ft2 in the field around the world, there is no better collision prevention or reduction product available today.
You've come to the right place...
The CollidEscape family of products have been LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) performance rated via the independent testing of the American Bird Conservancy as the best performing bird collision prevention product on the market. Rating as part of the U.S. Green Building Council for the pilot LEED credit #55 for bird collision deterrence achieves a 98% effectiveness rating*. The only solution with a higher effectiveness rating either removes or completely covers the windows!
Threat Factor Ratings for Leed Credit
Window Removal/Opaque 0
Standard CollidEscape 2
CollidEscape Clear 7*
CollidEscape Patterns 5-10
Fritted/Etched Glass 25-41
Ornilux Mikado or similar 34
Untreated Glass 100
*Estimated depending on local reflective environmental conditions.
All CollidEscape products perform exponentially better than Onilux or fritted glass. Additionally, according to the LEED team at the 2013 AIA conference in Denver, Standard CollidEscape is typically eligible for established energy credits, some of which include:
EAp2 Energy and Atmosphere Performance-Minimum Energy Performance
IEQc8.1 Indoor Environmental Quality - Daylight and Views
IEQc6.1 Indoor Environmental Quality - Glare
Title 24 California 2008/2013 Building Energy Fenestration Efficiency Program
COG Reductions of up to 33%

CollidEscape is virtually invisible from inside the building, visually blocking no more view than a screen door. CollidEscape can be tinted or shape cut to accent or blend into the architecture of the building.
Lab values for CE White guaranteed bird collision prevention film:
63% - Visible Transmittance (% Daylight)
2.61 - U-factor (Winter)
0.46 - Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
0.57 - Shading Coefficient
65% - Total solar energy rejected
93% - Glare reduction
65% - UV blocked
Some numbers:
Test Window#1: 15 Degree angle light source UV coated Glass
UV-a Baseline: 390(mV)
UV-A with CollidEscape White application: 137 (64.9% reduction)
UV-A with CollidEscape Clear application: 338 (13.3% reduction)
Test Window#2: 60 Degree angle light source Uncoated
UV-b Baseline: 569(mV)
UV-b with CollidEscape White application: 189 (66.8% reduction)
UV-b with CollidEscape Clear application: 468 (17.8% reduction)
R Value
R stands for resistance to heat flow and it measures the insulating value of a material. The higher the R, the better. A single pane piece of glass has an R-Value of 1. A double pane window has an R-value of 2. A properly insulated attic will have an R-value of 30. The R-value is the inverse of the U-Value (R= 1/R), which is the statistic that is shown on the film performance charts and is expressed as a decimal (less than one). The lower the U-Value the better. Glass, window and film manufacturers use U-Values. Insulation manufacturers use R-values.
U-value indicates the rate of heat flow due to conduction, convection, and radiation through a window as a result of a temperature difference between the inside and outside. The higher the U-factor the more heat is transferred (lost) through the window in winter. The units of U-value are: BTUs per hour per square foot per °F (Btu/hr · ft² · °F) A window with a U-factor of 0.6 will lose twice as much heat under the same conditions as one with a U-factor of 0.3.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
SHGC indicates how much of the sun's energy striking the window is transmitted through the window as heat. As the SHGC increases, the solar gain potential through a given window increases. The SHGC is a ratio between 0 and 1. SHGC = 0 means none of the incident solar gain is transmitted through the window as heat and SHGC = 1 means all of the incident solar energy is transmitted through the window as heat.
A window with an SHGC of 0.6 will admit twice as much solar heat gain as one with an SHGC of 0.3.
Typically, windows with low SHGC values are desirable in buildings with high air-conditioning loads while window coatings with high SHGC values are desirable in buildings where passive solar heating is needed.
The term "SHGC" is relatively new and is intended to replace the term "shading coefficient (SC)." While the terms are related, the shading coefficient of glass is defined as the ratio of the solar heat gain through a given glazing as compared to that of clear, .128" single-pane glass.
CollidEscape has a .46 is a multiplier of the base glass or poly - so, if the SHGC is .71 for a particular pane, then with the .46 multiplier, the resulting combination result is .33.