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What does CollidEscape Do? How does it work?CollidEscape solutions are applied to the external surface of glass to disrupt the reflection that birds perceive as a continuation of their environment in an attempt to disrupt that reflection.
What does territorial aggression look like?Why do birds attack windows? Known as territorial aggression, the birds see their own reflection in a window and attack the "intruder" in order to protect its territory. While this behavior is not generally harmful to the birds, it can be very aggravating to homeowners. Territorial aggression is most common during breeding seasons. Prevent attacks due to territorial aggression by eliminating window reflections. Find your solution here .
How do I install CollidEscape in cold weather?The secret to seasonal installation? Heat the window surface to above freezing. One option is to wait for a sunny day when the sun strikes the windows. This can heat them up to as much as 30F/15C! Alternatively, you may duct tape a cheap tarp to the top of the window, then put a space heater underneath, trapping the rising hot air. Then install under the tarp. This works best on a calm day. You may find it easier to anchor the tarp away from the window to create a "tent". The adhesive creates a bond even when the window surface temperature is below freezing, but any humidity or moisture between the adhesive and the glass can cause the film to lift off the window as the water crystals grow; this usually will not harm the film, but the adhesive may need a re-application of pressure once the moisture dissipates to re-establish a bond with the glass. simply monitor the window from the inside for evidence of an incomplete bond during the first few days following cold weather installation. When the windows are at temperature, follow our standard installation instructions.
How do I install CollidEscape?CollidEscape is designed for DIY installation - hang and trim just like wallpaper. See instructions above.
How do I seam CollidEscape?Is your window larger than a single piece of CollidEscape? Follow our seaming instructions here.
Can CollidEscape be removed?Yes! CollidEscape can be removed. If you remove the film within a year you can simply peel it off by hand. Heat helps the process, and the aide of a sunny day or a hair dryer usually makes the process a snap. The longer you leave it on the window the more effort is required. At worst, you might have to use a razor blade to aid in peeling it off, but glass is such a forgiving surface, scraping is a very simple process. If it has been up for years, even a decade or more, it may be easier to soften the film first - the safest, greenest solution we have found is any number of orange / citrus based cleaners or adhesive removers that are commercially available. After spraying, wait 15 minutes, and CollidEscape can be plowed off/scraped off with a putty knife or similar tool.
How can I clean CollidEscape?Most CollidEscape applications require nothing more than the occasional hose rinse to remove cobwebs and dust buildup in the holes. Sometimes, however, bird droppings from fruit trees can stain the material. Wash with a soft sponge or microfiber towel and 1/4 cup vinegar per gallon of water will do the trick. There are no performance issues with CollidEscape for commercial applications with regularly scheduled window washing services. CollidEscape can be washed, sponged and even wiped with a squeegee. Most clients find that the need for washing services are, in fact, reduced, as rain typically eliminates dust collection on the surface, and contaminants such as spiderwebs, bird droppings, etc., are less noticeable when viewed from the outside on glass covered by CollidEscape. LOW-PRESSURE HOSING We have many commercial accounts that utilize pressure washers to knock down cobwebs, etc. We recommend use of a 40 degree or 60 degree pressure washer nozzle to minimize the likelihood of lifting CollidEscape off the glass. LIFTING EDGES Occasionally, a corner or edge lifts on CollidEscape. This is often the result of dirt or skin oils on the adhesive from the installation process. It is often possible to clean the adhesive by vigorously flushing the adhesive surface with a hose. Pull the lifting area back and inspect and remove any visible particulates with the tip of a toothpick to make sure the adhesive is clean. Allow to completely dry before attempting re-application. PRO TIP: if the cleaning damages the adhesion in the corners - not to worry! Our installers carry a bottle of cheap clear fingernail polish - a light application over the CollidEscape will do the trick.
Can I install CollidEscape on the inside of my windows?CollidEscape is installed or applied on the EXTERIOR surface of windows to eliminate or reduce environmental reflections. Installing CollidEscape on the inside of windows will not prevent collisions or territorial aggression. birds strike glass because they see a continuation of their environment reflected off the outside of the window pane and attempt to fly though the reflection. For this reason, applications of patterns on the inside will do nothing to disrupt this view. In fact, drawing shades or curtains actually INCREASE bird strikes, by increasing the visibility of the reflected outdoor view. Have any bird-films applied to the interior of glass been proven effective? Proven? Absolutely not. There is a growing school of thought within our Community that, 10-20% reduction of strikes by internal application is better than none. We argue that from a pragmatic, and from an economic standpoint, this is simply pointless. To paraphrase one of my peers just earlier today "As long as the glass is clear, not heavily tinted, and a bird can see through it, a marker on the inside should be slightly effective. So, it would only work in glass corridors and linkways. Each application would need to be reviewed individually." Simply put, our position, based on decades of participation in this field, is that the majority of fatal, full speed (neck breaking) strikes with glass are not from when attempting to land into an interior/through a windowsill, but when the reflection that birds perceive off the outside of the glass is seen as a continuation of their environment, and the result is often a strike head/beak first at full speed, resulting in a broken neck, or tortuous death from starvation with a damaged beak. As is in many of our volunteers' email signatures: "Reflections Kill"
Have any bird films applied to the interior of glass been proven effective?Proven? Absolutely not. There is a growing school of thought within our Community that, 10-20% reduction of strikes by internal application is better than none. We argue that from a pragmatic, and from an economic standpoint, this is simply pointless. To paraphrase one of our peers: "As long as the glass is clear, not heavily tinted, and a bird can see through it, a marker on the inside should be slightly effective. So, it would only work in glass corridors and linkways. Each application would need to be reviewed individually." Simply put, our position, based on decades of participation in this field of bird strike prevention, is that the majority of fatal, full speed (neck breaking) strikes with glass are not when attempting to land through a windowsill, when flying "through" the glass, but when the reflection they perceive off the outside of the glass is seen as a continuation of their environment, and the result is often a strike head/beak first, resulting in a broken neck, or tortuous death from starvation with a damaged beak. As featured in many of our teams' email signatures: "Reflections Kill"
How much does CollidEscape cost?Visit our SHOP to see all of our products and pricing.
How long will CollidEscape last?Legal had us cap performance for CollidEscape as rated for a 10 year lifespan; installations going back to the 1990's are still up today. Contact us for more details.
Will CollidEscape discolor?CollidEscape is protected by strong ultraviolet inhibitors, guaranteeing that the films will not discolour over time. 7-year material manufacturer performance specifications back up these claims, and field testing has already exceeded 14 years. The additives can actually cause the material to chalk, similar to house paint, when left up for 10+ years. However, this chalking is easily removed with a mild vinegar window wash solution, affording a durable, virtually maintenance free bird collision solution.
Will CollidEscape damage window? Glass or seals?Film applied to glass according to our specifications can never be the sole cause of thermal breakage. Only if the glass is not manufactured and/or installed to established industry standards can window film be a contributing factor. To reinforce this point, similar commercial window film solution providers offer a five-year thermal break- age warranty that includes glass and film replacement. The actual breakage occurrence is fractional, at less than 1 in 30000 windows installed. These products have been applied to millions of square feet of insulated glass units throughout the world for more than 30 years and have never been shown to be the cause of seal failure. CollidEscape will only increase the pressure by 0.55 psi (pounds per square inch), while the federal specifications require windows to with- stand a minimum of 3.30 psi. - more than six times the film's potential pressure increase. Most reputable window manufacturers will honor their seal failure warranty if a window film is applied.
Does CollidEscape prevent viewing out at night?Absolutely not; not only does CollidEscape offer bird collision prevention and solar blockage during the day, CollidEscape also allows clear viewing from the inside out at night. Want to block the view into your property at night? Down-lighting (or up-lighting) Collidscape provides an incredible privacy barrier when reflectively lit - providing 24-hour privacy in many circumstances.
Arched or Trapezoidal WindowsWe learned long ago that rounded and trapezoidal windows are often hand-mullioned, meaning odd-shaped windows often bow or are slightly skewed, and then if we cut exact, the results don't fit; as a result, we suggest you purchase a piece to cover the overall surface area, then simply apply and trim off the excess to fit.
I have an unusual project. Can you help?Of course! We are happy to help and enjoy challenging projects. Contact us today!
Struggling to remove rolled CollidEscape from the ship tube. Advice?It happens sometimes. Our team is all older here, and the fingers don't quite work as well as they once did. And maybe the order sat in the tube for weeks or even months waiting for the right time to go outside and apply to the outside of the glass, and it has stiffened a bit into place. Not to worry - there are simple techniques that can help. Ever take a poster out of a tube? you reach into the tube and grab the corner and can peel it away from the next layer, corkscrewing it out of the tube, twisting it in the direction in which the piece was rolled. works every time. Visual Learner? here is a video that shows the technique. Usually, just dragging a finger across the end inside the tube with a little pressure is enough to get it to start to slide and move to then be able to grab the corner and pull, twisting the material out. Last-ditch for those without the finger strength - the shipping tubes we use were selected due to the fact that they come in 2-3 layers of paper, and with effort, you can peel off the layers of the cardboard one at a time. If you already are struggling to corkscrew the material out with your fingers, then this peeling technique requires even more dexterity, but a needle nose plyer or vise grip onto a lifted edge of the cardboard might aid in getting the peeling of the cardboard started. Start at the very tip of the cardboard paper, and create a little tab using your thumb or a safe tool. then grab the little tab with the plyer and begin unrolling one layer at a time.
I like CollidEscape Guaranteed - Images, but I don't have a design."Contact us for assistance! Our designers can help you find the perfect image for your needs.
Do I have to cover my entire window with CollidEscape?We have other options that might appeal to you and still reduce bird strikes. Visit our SHOP.
Can I buy CollidEscape outside North America?We happily ship around the world, every day! Most of our deliveries outside of North America are to the UK; for our British friends, first-class mail is a very cost-effective way to ship, with rates competitive to North American shipping, starting as low as £27.50. We utilize online ordering via credit card and the Paypal system for all currency exchanges. Material is produced and custom-trimmed to size off 5' rolls, and generally, the price is approximately £2/ft2. At these parcel rates quoted above, we are limited to 36" x 60" pieces of material but can provide larger rolls and pieces utilizing other international shippers or, more commonly, we can seam the material during installation for larger applications. Aligning two pieces of CollidEscape during installation is simple, and full instructions are included. We would be happy to utilize your preferred international freight account, with Fed Ex being our preferred method. LARGER ORDERS We manufacture CollidEscape in rolls either 1.524m or 1.37m wide, in 45.7m lengths for domestic consumption. Costs depend on volume, with solutions provided internationally by the window pane, by the roll, and even by fractional container load. An indication of volume by you will allow us to begin the estimation process, but for a general sense of cost before shipping, single sheets are provided at around $35/m2 USD, and single rolls at approx. $25/m2 USD, with further quantity discounts available.
What do people that have purchased CollidEscape think?Dec 2024: I just wanted to thank you for this product! I love to watch and feed the birds but hate hearing them crash into windows and looking out to see a dead birds or a stunned bird that may or may not survive. I am so impressed with the Collidescape tape I ordered. I just ordered some more for my other windows-it has completely stopped bird strikes! We have lots of different kinds of birds and you could see the imprints of their wings and sometimes feathers on the glass, now there are none! And no sweet birds lying dead because they flew into my glass!! I’m satisfied and impressed! Thank you again for such a great product! -Debra H -Manchester, OH July 2022: I want to thank you for this amazing product. I installed your clear tape on the mirrored windows that span the front of the bank I work for. The installation took place in May of 2021, since that time the number of bird strikes has decreased from 1 every 4-5 weeks, to ZERO in fifteen months!!!!! I could not be happier. Thank you so much for your development and production of this product. P.S. Just last weekend I installed the tape on sliding glass doors at my own home. I personally feel great relief knowing that I have done all that I can to prevent bird strike deaths. Most sincerely, Sharon M. Gulfport, MS June 2022: we just installed the film, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how easy it went up. I have done decals before and was expecting a struggle but NO, the film is thicker and therefor better to handle. I cleaned the window really well and then remembered the instructions on your website about plenty of water, the more the better. I used a sponge to smooth the film as I pulled the backing away (more water) moved from the center to the edges and only had on little bubble that was stubborn but not too stubborn, a little trimming. The whole endeavor took under 30 minutes. Next step is to measure the rest of the windows, the kitties will be happy because we will be able to leave the blinds up during the day and still keep the birds safe. Thank you SO much for all your help and attention. - Marybeth Stone-Kassner CORAL SPRINGS, FL 2021: "Wow. Your product has exceeded our expectations. It is amazing the amount you can see out and how it doesn’t affect your view at all. The privacy and protection from the birds on the white side is equally amazing. Finally, we didn’t realize how much sun protection we got from installing them. My wife who was skeptical would like me to order four more for our other downstairs windows. She said “this far exceeded my expectation”. - Phil M., Collegeville, PA "I got my order and applied the collision deterrent dots today. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get them level/parallel to my window mullions, but I followed the directions and made a hinge with masking tape and it worked great! Thanks again for your help." - Emily B., Edina, MN "I wanted to let you know we've had our white CollidEscape up and we have had no dead birds on our deck. We put it up the same day we had our windows cleaned. Last time we had our windows cleaned we had several birds die within a few weeks. It was heartbreaking, so I was so happy with the looks and outcome of your product. And, it also serves to keep those parts of the house cooler without hardly any impact on our view. Like you said, it's like looking through a screen. Thanks again!" - Alisa W., Vista, CA. "WOW!!! I BELIEVE WE PREVENTED AT LEAST 15 BIRDS FROM CRASHING INTO OUR HIGH WINDOWS SINCE INSTALLING COLLIDESCAPE 5 YEARS AGO!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIFE SAVING PRODUCT." Neil T., Estes Park, CO Hello, I received my Order - and immediately installed the CollidEscape Guaranteed – White. It worked instantly! The birds stopped banging on our windows. And our dog has stopped barking. It is now peacefully quiet in our house. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Regards HS - Issaquah, WA I have extensive glass exposure on a mountain house, virtually one whole side of a cross-gable A-frame.Bird strikes had killed too many of our avian wonders. The CollidEscape we just had applied looks beautiful from the inside, not noticeably different from our screen doors. Our view out is still pristine. From the outside, the birds see a white wall. I am %100 satisfied. Thanks, <ce> --patient and informative. Sincerely, Jeff P. - Anglus Oaks, CA</ce> "Just a quick note to say thank you for such an excellent product. We have a reflective coating on our windows and had daily bird strikes . We tried using the black bird decals, and also had holographic tape suspended across all our definitely helped, but since applying the collidescape, we have had no bird deaths in three weeks. We have over 200 birds visit our multiple bird feeders daily and we are sooooo happy with your product! Thank you again!! I would highly recommend this product to anyone considering this product!" - Theresa M., Alberta, Canada
Full coverage CollidEscape is Guaranteed?The Guaranteed solutions are just that - -guaranteed to stop all bird deaths from bird strikes. There are some rare exceptions that one should be aware of (if unsure, speak to one of our technical experts) Mirrored Glass - Under some lighting conditions, highly reflective mirror glass can still allow for birds attempting to fly through the pane. Highly unusual to have a true mirror coating to glass, and this is NOT typical or an issue for common commercial reflective UV coated glass. Corner Glass - Under some lighting conditions, tight cornered mullion glass can still allow for birds attempting to fly through a set of backlit corner panes. Has only occurred on corner mullions less that 18" wide, and along migratory path conditions in taller construction (several stories up) Crows and Ravens - and sometimes blue jays, if you have birds picking at mullions, gasketing, stucco and the like, they are also clever enough to pick at and even destroy CollidEscape Window coatings - there are some work-arounds, but little can prevent a bored and clever bird from causing havoc. If, however, for some reason you believe the Guaranteed full coverage installation is not eliminating strikes, the guarantee is just that - a reimbursement for all material returned . Simply address to CollidEscape Returns 12541 E Co Rd M Darien WI 53114-1100 include original order details to facilitate reversal of charges. Evidence of incorrect installation, fraud or modification can void warranty. Material must be returned within 90 days of purchase to receive full credit. Ver. 07/2003
Can I return CollidEscape?Standard ordered CollidEscape may be restocked, less a small inspection/restock fee. Custom tinted, custom printed and custom cut orders are generally not returnable, but as a courtesy, if we believe there may be a future need for the material, we will accept it back and offer a rebate on your custom material, less a small inspection/restock fee, but only if and when it leaves our inventory. This is negotiable on a case by case basis.
Cold Install
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